Russian bath: the pros and cons

Since ancient times the Russian bath has been famous for its curative effect. Since our ancestors have accustomed themselves to bathing procedures have passed hundreds of years, and in the 21st century for some, the bath is a traditional procedure, without which they do not think their life, and for others it is an absolute taboo.

In visits to the bath, there are a number of benefits, as well as individual contraindications, which are also necessary to know. First of all, let’s talk about the healing properties of the bath.

First of all, the bath cleanses

And it concerns not so much sincere vivacity, but that under the influence of the balance of temperature and humidity of the air from the body due to perspiration, harmful substances are released. The recommended relative humidity of air at its temperature of 90 ° C should be 10%, at 110 ° C – only 5%. In order to intensively sweat at an air temperature of 70 ° C, a humidity of 30-35% is necessary. High temperature and humidity contribute to the fact that a third of the total mass of blood in the human body is concentrated in the vessels in the skin. Activated and sweat glands, for 20-30 minutes of stay in the Russian bath, a person stands out about a liter of sweat, and together with the body then leave and various harmful substances that could previously be contained both inside the body and in the skin itself, which is a barrier between the internal and external environment.

Bath heals

This property of the bath is directly related to the previous one. Nevertheless, it is necessary to be cautious about this method of improving one’s health. The bath will become a panacea during a hangover (but it is highly recommended not to drink alcohol in a bath), doctors advise you to go to the bath for colds if you have a runny nose or cough (but not with viral diseases). In the bath you can go when you want to lose a couple of extra pounds (but not for people with extremely excess weight). Bath improves metabolic processes in the body.

The bath invigorates and tones

Untypical conditions that the body encounters when entering a bath help to increase the overall tone of previously tired muscles. It is interesting to note that if the temperature of the human skin rises by 2-4 ° С for a 5-10 minute stay in the bath, the temperature of the muscles increases by a maximum of 1.5 ° C, but this is enough to feel a surge of strength and vigor throughout the body . The effect of steaming can be enhanced by a massage session or by diving into a pool with colder water.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Visiting the Russian bath, you will feel not only a surge of energy, but also perk up your spirit. If you go to the bath, knowing that you do not have any contraindications, then for sure you will leave it with a broad smile on your face – a good company and pleasant feeling will be backed up by a fun pastime and a kind of rest from various worries.

Refuse to visit the bath doctors strongly recommend people suffering from diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (a previous heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, a tendency to bleeding, etc.);
  • nervous system (epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, various kinds of paralysis, migraine, inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, etc.);
  • respiratory tract (acute viral diseases, acute inflammations, various chronic decompensated diseases with a load on the heart, malignant tumors with metastases);
  • musculoskeletal system (such as acute inflammatory diseases, acute rheumatic diseases, acute spondylosis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (acute and subacute diseases, chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis with frequent attacks, diarrhea, etc.);
  • kidneys (acute inflammation and nephritis, kidney stone disease, tumors, water electrolyte disorders);
  • skin (acute eczema, malignant diseases, acute stage of psoriasis, purulent rash, skin tuberculosis and others);
  • gynecological (acute inflammatory diseases, postoperative condition, complications of pregnancy).

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