
What is Rhizomes?

Obliquity is a severe deformation in which the child deviates the hand in the direction of the missing or underdeveloped bone of the forearm. Squint in children can be radiation or ulnar. Radiation occurs in the absence of the radius, and the ulna, respectively, in the absence of the ulna.

Types of squint:

  • congenital
  • acquired

The first of these species is characterized by lesions of the muscular, skeletal, nervous system of the hand, which leads to serious anatomical and functional disorders.

Causes of Clubhand

Congenital obliquity in many cases is diagnosed along with malformations of other organs and systems. Because this disease is referred to as embryopathy. This means that the fetus was damaged at some stage of pregnancy – from the 2nd to the 12th week. Damage can be caused by hereditary genetic factors, intoxication with poisons, infectious diseases of the mother, radiation factors, lack of oxygen, etc.

Symptoms of Clubhand

Radial oblique
The hand and forearm are pronated, form a different angle (from blunt to sharp) angle, open inwards, i.e. towards the absent or underdeveloped radius. The hand is underdeveloped, flattened due to the absence of the 1st finger and metacarpal bone, less often the 2nd and 3rd fingers, displaced proximal to the ulnar head protruding to the rear. An abnormally short forearm length is observed; it is curved with a bulge in the dorsal direction.

Muscles are hypotrophied on the shoulder and forearm. Muscle hypotrophy is referred to as dystrophy – the damaged area loses weight, the appearance and functional abilities of the hypotrophic body area change. The strength and mobility of the fingers is very small, because there is a condition called contracture – this is a restriction of passive movements in the joint. Fix instability of the brush. there may be rotational movements around the distal ulna.

The forearm cannot rotate; motor activity is limited in the elbow joint. With this deformation, there is also an underdevelopment of the radial nerve and radial artery.

Ulnar squint
The forearm with this type of squint is also penetrated, but the hand is deflected outward – to the side of the underdeveloped ulna. There is a deformation of the hand, fingers 3, 4 and 5 may be underdeveloped or completely absent, the corresponding metacarpal bones – similarly. This type of squint is characterized by curvature and shortening of the forearm; there is muscle hypotrophy (described above).

Flexion and extension of the brush occurs normally, there is a grasping function. If we compare the radius with the articular surface, this will provide the necessary stability of the hand so that the child can capture and hold objects. There is a change in the shape of the elbow joint. Movements are limited in it or they are not at all, this is due to a dislocation of the head of a curved radial bone or its synostosis with the humerus.

Diagnostics of Short-sightedness

Doctors find an obstruction in examination. As an additional diagnostic method, radiography can be used to confirm the diagnosis. The older the child becomes, the more pronounced functional disturbances are with radial and ulnar congenital obliquity, and rigidity progresses. Diagnosis with a child’s age is simpler, but treatment is more complicated.

Clubworm Treatment

Conservative treatment
Upon reaching the child 30 days after birth, doctors advise conservative methods of therapy. Their goal is to stretch shortened and contracted soft tissues with the removal of the brush in position along the axis of the forearm. To do this, use stage corrective gypsum dressings, which must be changed every 7-10 days, which depends on the age of the child.

Exercise therapy and massage are also used for the treatment of rumps in children. When the deformation is corrected, a plastic splint is used to hold it in the correct position. Turor is often made from polyvic. When a child becomes older, plastic tires are put on him only at night. And in the daytime, devices are used that are made individually, depending on the characteristics of the pathology. If you stop the constant passive correction, oblique again will progress.

Surgical treatment of rhizomes
Deformation can be eliminated only by surgical methods – so that the hand stabilizes and its functionality improves, moreover, with the prevention of a recurrence of the disease. Doctors have developed many methods of surgical treatment. It is best to carry out operations to eliminate obliquity at the age of 8 to 12 months, developing a plan of stages of surgical interventions.

Prevention of Clubworm

After the operation, to develop the brush and prevent relapse, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, apply physical therapy methods and do hand massage. These methods allow you to consolidate the results achieved by the operation.

Preventive measures of congenital skew-arm does not exist. In other forms, prophylaxis consists in giving the wrist anatomically correct position after damage or surgery to the wrist joint or forearm. As for the inflammatory processes in these areas, it is important to stop them in a timely manner.